Homes Revitalized since 2014
Homes Revitalized in 2023
All are invited to help us plan for the coming Blitz. Dinner will be provided!
The next Good Neighbors Blitz is April 11-12 and we would love to see YOU there!
What is the Good Neighbors Program?
The Good Neighbors program is an alliance between Servolution Network, city governments, local businesses, community churches, and nonprofits who have a heart and desire to Build Community Together. Good Neighbors enables the blessed to be a blessing by helping homeowners who are unable to make required home repairs. Good Neighbors energizes teams of community volunteers to revitalize homes and build a stronger sense of community through these acts of kindness and compassion. We seek to impact our commUNITY in the most powerful way that only God's people can, by changing lives one home at a time.
We continuously work year-round to help our neighbors live in safer, more accessible homes that allow them to age in place. We ALWAYS have projects in the works, and if you are interested in jumping in to help, we would love to have you partner with us at any time of the year.
One particularly special time of the year is the Good Neighbors Blitz. A “blitz” happens twice per year—in April and October. This is where we pull together as many volunteers and experienced contractors as possible to fix up 10-15 homes in one weekend.
Good Neighbors Sponsorship Opportunities
$250 - Hydration Sponsor
This will provide appx. 50 cases of bottled water for our Good Neighbors Blitz where hydration is crucial.
Your business or ministry added to our Love Your City Partners page
Social Media Recognition
Blitz recap email recognition
$500 - Lunch Sponsor
This sponsorship helps supply lunch and snacks at ONE house for two days for 30-50 people!
Your business or ministry added to our Love Your City Partners page
Social Media Recognition
Blitz recap email recognition
$1000 - Clean Up Sponsor
This sponsorship helps provide a local homeowner with tree trimming, yard maintenance, brush clearing, and general property cleanup.
Your business or ministry added to our Love Your City Partners page
Social Media Recognition
Blitz recap email recognition
Your logo on our large Blitz banner
$2000 - T-Shirt Sponsor
This sponsorship enables Servolution Network to supply t-shirts to all volunteers and contractors for the entire Good Neighbors Blitz. Your logo will be prominently located on the shirt.
Your logo prominently displayed on our Blitz volunteer t-shirts
Your business or ministry added to our Love Your City Partners page
Social Media Recognition
Blitz recap email recognition
Your logo on our large Blitz banner
Your logo on a blitz house yard sign
$2500 - Accessibility Sponsor
This sponsorship will help us build an accessibility ramp and install other accessibility items to a vulnerable Good Neighbors / Love yOUR Vets family.
Your business or ministry added to our Love Your City Partners page
Social Media Recognition
Blitz recap email recognition
Your logo on a yard sign displayed at Blitz home
$3000 - HVAC Sponsor
This sponsorship provides air conditioning to allow our Good Neighbors and Love yOUR Vets families to comfortably age in place in their homes.
Your business or ministry added to our Love Your City Partners page
Social Media Recognition
Blitz recap email recognition
Your logo on a yard sign displayed at Blitz home
$4500 - House Sponsor
This sponsorship will help us provide the lumber and materials needed for 1-2 houses for vulnerable Good Neighbors / Love yOUR Vets households.
Your business or ministry added to our Love Your City Partners page
Social Media Recognition
Blitz recap email recognition
Your logo on our large Blitz banner
A yard sign with your logo at the Blitz
$10,000 - Hall of Fame Sponsor
This sponsorship provides support for up to 5 homes allowing our Good Neighbors and Love yOUR Vets families to age in place in their homes.
Your logo prominently displayed on our Blitz volunteer t-shirts
Your business or ministry added to our Love Your City Partners page
Social Media Recognition
Blitz recap email recognition
Your logo on our large Blitz banner
Your logo on a blitz house yard sign
"Why" video interview published on our website and social media
Short speech at Blitz morning kickoff event
$25,000 - V.I.P. Sponsor
This sponsorship provides support for up to 10 homes allowing our Good Neighbors and Love yOUR Vets families to age in place in their homes.
Your logo prominently displayed on our Blitz volunteer t-shirts
Your business or ministry added to our Love Your City Partners page
Social Media Recognition
Blitz recap email recognition
Your logo on our large Blitz banner
Your logo on a blitz house yard sign
"Why" video interview published on our website and social media
Short speech at Blitz morning kickoff event
Do you or someone you know have a resource, materials, or service that could be used to help serve the community?
We call this a “kingdom connection.” Without them, we couldn’t love our neighbors as we do.
Email us at, and let’s chat about partnering to build commUNITY!
Slide the white bar on the below pictures to see just a couple of before and after pictures of a community coming together to love its neighbors.